indoor games for kids
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Best Indoor Games for Kids to Play in Pandemic

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Pandemic has been hard on everybody, especially on children. Mobile screens and comfortable couches have made them lazy now more than ever. The past year and, even this year has been a  struggle to find games that can interest your child. Here is a list of the best indoor games for kids that will make sure to lessen your struggle. 

1. Board Games – Best indoor games for kids

These are the most popular games ever played. There’s a wide range of board games available. From snakes & ladders to ludo to monopoly; these games offer endless hours of fun to all and hence, tops the list of best indoor games for kids. 

indoor games for kids

2. Puzzles – Engaging indoor games for kids

Puzzles are one of those games that provides fun as well as learning. There are various puzzles available in the market like 3D puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, word puzzles, and many more. Introducing puzzles to your children will engage them for a long time!

indoor games for kids

3. Hopscotch 

Hopscotch is one of the most played games of the old times. And yet, the joy that it brings remains the same. Just teach your kid how to play it with a piece of chalk or tapes, and let the fun begin!

indoor games for kids

4. Lego Color Hunt

You must have heard about treasure hunt but a Lego hunt… doesn’t this sound interesting? All you got to do is hide the Lego blocks at different places and ask your kids to choose a color. Now let them find the hidden blocks for hours! 

indoor games for kids

5. Ping Pong Ball Catch

Ping Pong Ball Catch is yet another interesting game. All you have to get is a ball and few glasses. It is a simple catch throw ball game only you can’t let the ball touch your hand. It is one of the most enjoyable indoor games for kids to take away the boredom of staying inside. 

indoor games for kids

6. Jenga

Jenga is a fun game that could be played by all. It comes in different sizes for different age groups. A multi-colored Jenga set can engage your kids for hours and hence, makes it to the list of most fun games for kids. 

indoor games for kids

7. Card Games – most played indoor games for kids

Plenty of games can be played with cards for hours. It is one of the most played indoor games for the family. When playing with kids, a simple game of  Uno is always a great idea!

8. Playdough – Most loved indoor games for kids

Playdough is an interesting concept to be introduced to your young kids. It is one of the most loved indoor games for preschoolers. Just ask your kids to make different objects out of the clay and watch their creativity shine! 

10. Indoor Bowling

If your kid is bored of regular games, just collect some empty or half-filled bottles and a ball, and make a lane with tapes. Sit tight and watch the inner bowler in your kid grow!

11. Charades 

Charades is one of the most loved indoor games for the family. If you haven’t introduced this classic game to your kids, you need to do that right away. It offers hours of fun and laughter. Just let your kids observe the play and then, ask them to act it out!

12. Hide n Seek

You can always have fun with this one. This has to be the oldest and most favorite games of all time. Make little modifications to the original game like making teams or playing in the dark, and start hiding and finding! 

13. Balance Beam

It is one of the easiest games to set up. All you need is a bunch of colored tapes. Just stick the tapes in different lengths or shapes and make different rules for each tape. Now, ask your kids to follow those rules and balance themselves on the tape. 

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